Survivaltek Visitors Comments…
Wow, Ken, that is an awesome website! …I think there is some good information there. Very pleasing layout, that’s for sure… I’d be pleased to put a link to your site from mine, if you’d like.
- B.Q. / Wasco, IL
I’ve been a regular visitor for about a year. I get RSS feed updates whenever there’s something new, and it has become one of my favorite blogs. I’ve viewed all of your videos, some multiple times. You are one resourceful guy.
- B.F. / Tulsa, OK
I have been reading your site for a bit and I am really impressed with your knowledge and I wanted to send a thank you for all the work you put into the site.
- B.A. / Moravian Falls, NC
There are quite a few websites out there that don’t even hold my interest and get discarded. however stuck. It gives a sensible approach to survival in easy to understand language and shows you how to do things instead of just telling.
- R. C. / United Kingdom
Love the site. I can’t wait to spend more time & dig into it more. I added this to my favorites!
- S&J. D. / North Carolina
Can you create Russian version of your website?? Not all Russian users know your English language, but they want to use your website!
- A. G. / Russia
Your web site is terrific. I will pass this along to my scouting buddies here in CA.
- W. P. / California
It’s not very often that I come across a website that impresses me so much to write an email to the author. The simple but incredibly useful videos and tips on your website are great. Keep up the good work. The only thing I would like to see is a RSS Feed for your blog, that way I can keep up to date on what you’re writing.
- Z. W. / North Carolina
Your website is fascinating and helpful! I never knew there were ‘snow’ options for sleeping :))
- S. S. / Texas
Nice website! Always great to see when people work to encourage kids, and adults, to spend more time outdoors and provide the necessary knowledge for doing so and feeling safe. Cheers!
- A. H. / Sweden
We love your website and spent some time looking at all your “how to” videos – facinating………
- J. B. / North Carolina
Great videos. Good ideas, very creative; I truly enjoyed watching them.
- A. A. / Sweden
I enjoyed your website and seeing you start a fire with a hacksaw blade
- K. R. / Colorado
Good website. Glad to hear you are still into primitive technology.
- D. L. / California
I have to commend you for your service to others in this area of expertise.
- D. O. / Ohio
I am a big fan of your videos, tricks, and techniques for accomplishing a variety of ordinary and life sustaining tasks.
- M. B. / U.S. Army
If you have comments, contact us at
Dear Ken,
This is a really great website….good info and well designed.
Awesome web site. Thanks for the demos on Saturday. Look forward to learning more from your site.