Bandanas, or variations of it, have been around for ages. They are picturesque and have been seen on heads, around necks (including dogs) and casually hanging out of rear pickets. They come in a variety of sizes, designs and colors. And, as diverse as their appearance, so are their uses.
Bandanas… provide shade from the sun, warmth from the cold, filter air and water, provide padding, binding and signaling. They can even be used as a wick for a lamp or torch. They are a great addition to your Bug-Out-Bag (BOB), especially because they are not a specialized piece of equipment, making them incredibly versatile.
I would love to see comments from Survivaltek readers on the ways that YOU have used yours.
I agree…bandannas are really versatile. I did use (well, sort of) one to filter air. A wet napkin held over my nose and mouth filtered out a nasty burning odor at school once!
I will wear mine wrapped up on my forehead under a hat when I am in the garden to keep the sweat out of my eyes.
Pretty ones also work nicely on bad hair days.
Yes, without a doubt a bandana has so many uses it is only limited by your imagination. Some more uses for a bandana in a survival/emergency situation that I have come across are listed below:
Wrap a sprained ankle or wrist
To secure a splint on a broken arm or leg
Emergency diaper
Wrap around snow or ice for an ice pack
Sling (first-aid)
Sling (as in David and Goliath)
Sling (for a staff)
Cleaning wounds
Bind a splint
Cover a sunburn
Stuff to make a pillow
Soak in water and use as a neckband to keep cool
Use as a belt
Pad shoulders when carrying a load
To tie extra stuff to a backpack
Emergency repair for a strap on a pack
Waist pack/pouch
Hobo Pack
Dust Mask
Sun shade
Neck Gaiter for cold weather
Sun block for neck
Dry feet after going through a stream
Gather wild berries in it
Cover exposed food
Coffee filter or tea strainer
Course water filter
Pot Holder
Carry Food
Polish fruit
Moisten and wrap biscuits, pancakes to keep from going stale
A net to gather minnows for bait
Tie to the car antenna for easy spotting
Sending smoke signals
To check wind direction
Fly swatter
Signal Flag
Cordage (for strips or as is)
Tie to a rock to toss a line over a tree limb