2014 brings new life to Turtle Island Preserve (TIP). Yesterday my son and I went up to TIP to attend the Volunteer Orientation Day where volunteers learned about the history and purpose of this remarkable place and it’s decades of operation.
The day began with a tour led by Desere, the office manager of TIP. She has been there for eight years now and is a walking plethora of information. We as a group walked past many structures built throughout the years with differing materials and for different purposes usually with reclaimed materials or timber from the land. There is a saw mill on the premises that produces lumber, and on this particular day there was a separate volunteer crew led by Eustace Conway and Preston Roberts who were busy constructing a massive lumber storage building.
The focus of our group was the up-coming Families Learning Together (FLT) event being held on April 26th where folks can purchase tickets for a day to learn more about heritage skills and crafts. You can find more information and purchase tickets by visiting the TIP FaceBook EVENT PAGE or CONTACT them through their website.
The photo above shows the volunteers and interns as they gathered at “Nacho Mama’s” kitchen area where great food and fellowship was shared. I have been privileged to participate in various classes and demonstrations over the last several years and can attest to the awesome events, opportunities and experiences available to visitors. I am planning to demonstrate both primitive and survival skills at FLT and would love to see you there.