Easy Tick Remover
An embedded tick freaks a lot of people out! I’ve tried the usual methods like lighting a match, blow it out, and hold it close to the tick – or – smothering on vaseline cream – or – rubbing the tick in a circular motion for 30 seconds… but the best success is a DIY tool that I conceived that I would like to share with you!
This method works best on fresh attachments… embedded ticks that are old may require other methods.
Used the “seasick” technique for an embedded tick. Vaseline on a Q-tip, then rubbed the tick in a circular motion (clockwise or counterclockwise) with the loaded Q-tip. You’re only using the Q-tip to rub smoothly and it also “captures” the tick once it releases. It took about 2 minutes to release. Read some dog owner forums for more information. Srsly works.