Book Review – “When Things Go Boom”

Today the term “preppers” has become a buzzword in today’s society that often conjures up visions of extremists who are paranoid. Personally I liken it to the Scout motto “Be Prepared”. “When Things Go Boom” is written by Brian Howard who is a veteran of the armed services, a family man, and a disaster preparedness expert. It’s the “Boom” of extreme events such as natural disasters or human chaos that can radically alter our lifestyle and this book presents a VERY practical approach to being prepared for the interruption of services and amenities that our communities normally provide.

The book is split into 7 parts: personal defense/safety, water/filtration, food/nutrition, shelter/habitat, medical/first aid, communications/navigation/signaling and general. The reading is easy and I found the content to be quite engaging. It is clear that the author walks his talk and provides specific brand names and models of equipment and supplies that he has personally used and trusts to perform. At the end of each section he lists Tips, Do Now!, and Checklist. “Tips” offer survival techniques and cautions, “Do Now!” offers practical actions to begin the preparedness process, “Checklist” lists items to have on hand or acquire – a.k.a. a shopping list.

The author admonishes us to procure supplies and practice survival skills NOW before they’re needed. I hardily recommend this book for those individuals who have resolved to be ready for the time when things go “Boom” and want to learn more. It is a great resource for beginners and experienced individuals alike. I’m glad to have added this book to my personal reference library and find it helpful in developing my own strategy. 

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