It was an early Autumn Weather day yesterday as I set up my teepee to participate in the 50th Anniversary Celebration of W. Kerr Scott Reservoir located in Wilkesboro NC. It was reminiscent of a past event “National Park Lands Day” where I had set up my Lavvu (Sami People teepee) on display. Yesterday however I set up my Cheyenne style teepee that represented the Cherokee Indians who are indigenous to this area. It drew a lot of interest as it had a distinctive profile among the other displays at the event held in the Dark Mountain Park area on the dam’s north side.
Although my survival skills span both modern and primitive, I chose to demonstrate the primitive skills throughout the day to compliment the historic air set by the teepee. My initial demonstration was given to a group of Boy Scouts using the bow and spindle fire method to start the campfire for the day. A little later I was excited to demonstrate flint knapping for the first time. for this craft I showed the traditional tools used by indigenous peoples, but I also showed the counter-part tools made of modern materials.
I always enjoy meeting folks who stop to chat. I have often learned new things that often turn into articles that I post. As usual, I try to replicate or apply what I learn from others to validate it and add insights for clarification. Although W. Kerr Scott Reservoir has only one 50th Anniversary, they offer great programs and provide wonderful facilities for organizations and individuals throughout the year. You can learn more at: