As part of my job requirements I attend First Aid and CPR classes bi-annually for certification. The training begins with an extensive on-line curriculum followed by actual hands-on training. In my case, because of the public/corporate environment where I work, other segments included were the operation of the Automated External Defibrillator (AED) and Emergency Oxygen Administration.
These classes fit well into my preparedness and survival regimen because whether I’m in an urban or wilderness setting there is always the possibility of injury or illness. Typically there is more advanced equipment available in urban settings but general first aid and CPR are applicable in each environment. Knowing what to do in an emergency can save lives!
The photo illustrates the Stabilization Method to prevent any further trauma to potential spinal/neck injuries. The only time that a person should be moved in this event is if the person is in eminent danger of environmental events such as fire or life threatening situations. It is best to stay with the person and monitor their condition until help arrives.
First Aid and CPR courses are developed by organizations such as Red Cross, American Health & Safety Institute (ASHI), and American Heart Association and may be offered online or at different locations such as YMCA, Red Cross centers, Colleges, your workplace, or other Public Service organizations. It’s a great investment of time and money for the ability to save lives, including yours!