Teepee Camping
Temperatures are starting to get chilly, but the beauty of the outdoors remains. A week ago my son invited friends to a meteor shower camp-out up in the hills. Earlier in the day I set up a Lavuu which is a Sami version of a teepee. By nights end, everyone migrated there because, in a teepee, you can have a small campfire in the middle which gives warmth and beauty. If you sleep with a fire inside, bring a wool blanket to cover your bedding, especially if it is synthetic, so that errant sparks will not catch materials on fire as wool is resistant to sparks. You can find teepees online, or you can use painters canvas drop cloths to make your own. At night, one of the delights you can experience is when you have an oil lamp or campfire inside, and from the outside, the entire teepee has the appearance of a lampshade with a yellow flickering glow. Once you’ve slept in a teepee, your connection to the outdoors will wonderfully never be the same.